In the last few weeks I’ve been reading three different books on personal growth and about life generally. I love, love, love this type of books. Self-help, inspirational, guiding – whatever you call them. They challenge the way I think and make me see things in different light and from different perspective. I feel like I’m getting closer to myself and my truth. Though very different, all these books shape me and inspire positive and passion driven actions in my life and my little business. So, the three books I’m reading at the moment are The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte (this book blows my mind! It’s like a life action driven power house), Steal Like an Artist by Austin Cleon (creativity is not magic, it’s for everyone), and Quiet by Susan Cain (the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking). I’ve just finished Steal Like and Artist and half a way through the other two, but I can already strongly recommend them all for a healthy dose of inspiration.
What are you reading at the moment? What has been the most inspirational book you’ve read? Feel free to share in the comments below Dasha x